Goal Statement
Sisam and Sons is a diversified pastoral based farming company. The Company’s family shareholders represent over five generations of family ownership with total shareholders now over fifty, The Company’s goal is to distribute these shareholders with returns that are consistent with NZ owner operated farming returns.
Business Strategy
To recognise the cyclical nature and risks in the farming sector by being a conservative borrower and adopting a balanced mix of pastoral businesses.
To develop a sound and efficient Farm administration including enterprise reporting system, and clear performance orientated annual business plans with a five-year horizon as the essential framework and base for successful management of the Company.
To develop our people resource through succession management plans for the leadership group, and staff skill development weighted particularly toward health and safety, sustainable environmental practices, and technical skills to improve Farm performance
To reduce the cost of capital for our shareholders by:
encouraging and anticipating liquidity amongst shareholders
communicating in clear timely shareholder language
being objective about selling or buying assets
recognising the importance of the Farm's position in the local community, by continuing to actively support community projects through both direct grants and the provision of educational and recreational resources.
enhancing the unique heritage values of the Farm for present and future generations in respect of its native bush reserves, Maori heritage sites and its own history.